Privacy Policy

Actualizat la 14.07.2018

Privacy Policy applicable to the BestValue Site.

This Privacy Policy sets out the way in which all data, including personal data collected by BestValue from its Members or Customers or the latter provide, will be processed by BestValue.

Please read this Privacy Policy. If you disagree with its provisions, please do not continue using the Site and do not provide us personal data. By using the BestValue Site, we will consider that you accepted the Privacy Policy of BestValue.

Before providing us personal data by accessing the BestValue Site, you will be asked to expressly accept the provisions of the Privacy Policy, and by accepting it you agree with the processing and collection of personal data by BestValue as described in this Document.

6.1. BestValue collects personal data on the Site pages only with the voluntary consent of the Members and Customers, for the following purposes:

  • validating, shipping and invoicing orders to them;
  • solving cancellations or problems of any kind related to an order or a contract, services or products purchased by them;
  • ensuring their access to products and services;
  • sending newsletters and / or periodic alerts, by electronic mail (e-mail, SMS) and / or phone call;
  • sending notifications, including in terms of changes to our Terms and Conditions;
  • contacting them, upon their voluntarily and freely expressed consent;
  • contacting them for Customer Service matters;
  • participating in a contest or promotion sponsored or organized by BestValue or by a third party on our behalf;
  • statistics and marketing purposes (advertising).

By creating an Account, each Member or Customer has expressed his consent related to the collection and processing of personal data by BestValue, in compliance with the terms and provisions of Law 677/2001.

Any Member or Customer has the right to obtain from BestValue, through a written request, signed and dated, free of charge:

a) the confirmation that data concerning him or not are processed by BestValue;

b) where applicable, the correction, update, block or deletion of data whose processing does not comply with the law, especially of incomplete or inaccurate data;

c) where applicable, the transformation in anonymous data of data whose processing does not comply with the law;

d) the notification to third parties to whom the data were disclosed, of any operation performed according to letters b) or c), except if this does not prove impossible or does not involve a disproportionate effort towards the legitimate interest that could be harmed.

By virtue of voluntary registration on the Site of BestValue or access (ordering) BestValue products/services, the Member or Customer agrees with (manifests his consent to) the processing of personal data by BestValue in its own information system, both manually or automatically, for the purposes set out in paragraph 6.1, according to the art. 5 paragraph. 1 of Law no. 677/2001 on the protection and processing of personal data. If the Member or Customer disagrees with the processing of personal data by BestValue, he has the right of not using the Site and not providing personal data to the company BestValue.

Any Member or Customer has the right to object at any time, for good and legitimate grounds, relating to his particular situation, by sending BestValue a written request, signed and dated,to the processing of his personal data, except in cases where there are laws to the contrary. In case of grounded opposition, the processing may no longer concern the respective data.

Any Member or Customer has the right to object at any time, free of charge and without any justification, by sending BestValue a written request, dated and signed, to the processing of data for direct marketing, on behalf of the operator or a third party, or against the disclosure to third parties for such purposes.

6.2. BestValue may also collect other data (IP address, time of visit, the place of access, name and version of the internet browser, operating system, including other parameters) supplied by your Internet browser through which the Site is accessed and may be used by BestValue to improve the services for its Members or Customers, or for statistical purposes. Except situations in which the provisions of the DOCUMENT are violated, the result of Member’s / Customer’s actions are contrary to the interests or harm in any way BestValue and / or third parties with whom BestValue has contracts at that time.

Also, BestValue can use surveys that are sent via e-mail or made available on the Site to collect demographic data about the Customer, profile and other data related to consumer preferences and behavior; BestValue can draw Customer satisfaction studies on its related services. Such data are used to study the preferences of its Customers and to perform statistical analyzes, both used in order to adapt the supply to BestValue Customers’ expectations. The Customer can always provide such information voluntarily and can waive at any time his participation in the survey without providing data and without any negative impact upon him to such event.

6.3. The Customer has the right to object within the limits provided for by art. 2.8 to the collection of personal data and to request their deletion, thus revoking the agreement for the document, waiving any implicit right specified in the document and without further obligation of either party towards the other or either party claiming damages to the other.

6.4. To exercise the rights under art. 6.3 the Customer or the Member will contact BestValue, by accessing one of the ways stipulated in art. 5.3.

6.5. Using the forms available on the Site, the Customer or the Member has the right to change the data originally stated to reflect any changes, if such changes exist.

6.6. If the Customer opts for online payment of the orders, contract and / or contracts, the authorization and remittance for settlement of card acceptance transactions shall be achieved exclusively through the company RomCard S.A. by the integrated solution Gecad Epayment SRL (PayU).

RomCard SA and Gecad Epayment SRL (PayU) operate as a data processing and connection center between card issuers, merchants accepting cards and card User Customers.

All types of VISA and MasterCard cards issued by Romanian and foreign banks are accepted, provided that their issuing banks activated them for online payment.

6.7. BestValue does not request and does not store in any way information about the bank card or cards of the Customer, which are directly processed in the provider’s online payment service, except the circumstances in which you provide us with your bank account details for a refund in the case of a product return, in which case we will collect and process such data.

6.8. The Privacy Policy of BestValue refers only to data provided voluntarily by the Customer or Member exclusively on the SiteBestValue is not responsible for the Privacy Policy practiced by any other third party that can be reached through links, whatever their nature, outside the Site.

6.9. BestValue undertakes to use the data collected belonging to the Customer / Member only in accordance with the purposes stated and not to publish, sell, lease, license, transfer, etc. the database containing information relating to personal or special data of the Member/CUSTOMER to any third party not involved in fulfilling the declared purposed.

6.10. The exception to the provisions of art. 6.9 will make the circumstances in which the transfer / access / view / etc., is required under the law by the competent bodies in cases stipulated by the regulations in force.

6.11. The processor / processors of credit cards approved by BestValue has (have) the right to access / view any type of data / documents generated after an order issued, order canceled, contract, canceled contract or an honored contract, in order to investigate any Transaction, if it exists.

6.12. BestValue guarantees that a User‘s personal data collected through the contact form will only be used to solve the problem communicated by such User, after which they will become purely statistical data.

6.13. BestValue guarantees for the defects that may endanger the security of the server that hosts the database containing personal data.

6.14. Data collected by BestValue from its Members or Customers can be processed, transferred in and / or stored in a location within the European Economic Area.

6.15. The Site of BestValue can contain over time, links to and from Sites of third parties producers and distributors, advertisers, payment service providers or social media platforms such as Facebook, Google or Twitter. If you follow a link to any of these Sites, please note that these Sites have their own privacy policies and that BestValue does not assume responsibility for the privacy policies or practices implemented by these third parties. Please check these policies before sending data such to such Sites.

6.16. BestValue does not assume any responsibility if a Member or Customer is misled by unauthorized third parties who present themselves as representatives of BestValue. Please inform us immediately if you become aware of such behavior by a third party.

This Privacy Policy and all matters arising or relating to these terms and to the concluded distance contract will be governed by the law of the country as set out below. Romanian courts and protection authorities have exclusive jurisdiction in settling any disputes that may arise out of or in connection with this Privacy Policy. Thus, the applicable law and jurisdiction in this matter is the Romanian law along with the EU rules applicable in the matter.